Brag Book

Think of a brag book as an extension of your sales resume. Sales resumes should have both your awards and accomplishments. Although not required, a brag book is a good way differentiate yourself more from the competition and prove you are who you say you are when interviewing for a sales job. Employers like you more when you can show them.

A well-done brag book should showcase your work experience, education and accomplishments well beyond a basic resume, along with serving as a strong visual that reinforces your expertise.

Not only that, an organized brag book demonstrates that you are prepared, thorough and serious about the job you are interviewing for.


Table of contents: Organize contents by section.

Resume: Include at the start of the book.

Current position information: This could include brochures about the services/products and company that you currently sell for. Use this section during the interview to do a mock sales call. Show them how and why you are successful.

References and endorsements: LinkedIn recommendations are completely acceptable. Include glowing emails from managers or mentors and even include a list of three to five managers and customers with their names, titles, address and two phone numbers along with letters of reference.

Educational information: This section could include transcripts, copies of diplomas, training certificates, continuing education documentation, etc.

Awards and achievements: In sales, this is a big one. Include a list of awards and recognition from current and previous jobs as well as copies of certificates, stack rankings and performance reviews. It’s a nice touch if you can include pictures of plaques and trophies.

Company and industry information: Include succinct research on your industry and/or the company with which you are interviewing. If you find articles that are interesting, print or copy those with the relevant information highlighted. Show the company why you want to work for them and how you’re the best person for the job.

Miscellaneous: If applicable to the job, include a copy of your driving record, any special licenses, credit history, background report, latest W2 (white out your social security number if needed) etc.


Having both digital and hard-copy versions is the best. The hard copy version should be delivered before your interview begins. Just hand your brag book to the interviewer(s) and say “this is for you”. Your brag book can be as simple as photocopied documents inside plastic sleeves that are inserted in a folder or binder. Including tabbed dividers for each section is a nice touch. A digital copy can be

Once again, deliver your brag book before you first start your interview. Refer to your brag book often during the interview, especially when being asked negative questions. Make sure to have extra copies if you are interviewing with multiple people. Be prepared to leave your brag book with your interviewer(s). This is called a leave behind brag book. Don’t expect your interviewer to memorize it.